Government Legal Services Panel

Trusted Suppliers to the Queensland Government

Rostron Carlyle Rojas Lawyers is a pre-approved supplier to the Queensland Government as part of the whole-of-government legal services panel, selected to provide legal services to local governments, government owned corporations, statutory authorities and government departments across the State.

The whole-of-government panel comprises of over 14 specialist legal providers working across Australia in a wide range of service expertise.

How to Work With Us

Eligible customer can purchase legal services under the panel arrangement and Eligible customers include:

  • Any Queensland Government Department
  • Queensland Government Agencies and bodies who opted into the panel
  • Any entity which is directly or indirectly, partially or entirely funded by the State of Queensland, and/or a community bases, non-profit making organisation performing community services, and/or another entity accepted by the panel manager
  • Any Commonwealth, or other State or Territory Government accepted by the panel manager

Please feel free to contact one of our dedicated Government services lawyers below, who will be pleased to provide you with a quote for the required work.

Rostron Carlyle Rojas Lawyers Government Team

Paul Rojas

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