
Another Commercial Possession Of Methylamphetamine Discontinued By DPP

In 2018, our client was at an address in Spring Hill in Brisbane. He was visiting his friend at that location. While he was there, police executed a search warrant at the premises, and our client was charged with possessing 76 grams of methylamphetamine (33g pure). The allegation was that he possessed it for a commercial purpose.

Alan Phillips of our office applied for bail for our client in the Supreme Court. Bail was granted with conditions, despite our client having numerous entries for possession of dangerous drugs in the Supreme Court on his history, and the alleged offence occurring whilst our client was on parole for serious drug offending.

The matter was committed for trial to the Supreme Court in Brisbane. Our client’s instructions were that he was there at the wrong place at the wrong time, and didn’t know about the drugs. The drugs were on the floor just in front of our client. The matter was listed for trial. Our office made a submission to the DPP, which ultimately resulted in the charge being discontinued by the DPP, two days prior to the trial commencing.

Our client was facing a maximum of 25 years in jail, to receive a head sentence in the range of 4 to 6 years given his extensive history. Possession charges are difficult to contest, so this was an excellent result for our client.

If you are interested in our criminal lawyers acting on your behalf, please call either Alan Phillips on 3009 8469.

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