
Industrial Manslaughter Penalties

The Work Health and Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2017 was passed by the Queensland Parliament in October 2017. The amendments affect Queensland businesses, business owners and executives who now can be charged with “industrial manslaughter”.

A charge of “industrial manslaughter” could see senior officers of businesses jailed for up to 20 years and companies fined more than $10 million if a fatality occurs in the workplace.

Other key changes in the legislation include:

  • Establishing further obligations on business owners in relation to Health and Safety Representatives.
  • Prohibiting enforceable undertakings in circumstances involving a fatality.
  • Mandating Codes of Practice as a minimum standard of compliance.
  • Establishing an independent statutory office for work health and safety prosecutions.
  • Expanding the jurisdiction and role of the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission.

Should you wish to know more, please contact us to discuss on 07 3009 8444.

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