Operation Juliet Mission – Trafficking period reduced from six (6) months to six (6) weeks.

Client found in possession of four (4) million dollars in Australian currency, numerous kilograms of schedule one (1) dangerous drugs and firearms.

In October 2012, our client was intercepted riding a Harley Davidson motor cycle in Brisbane. After a short police pursuit he was arrested and searched; police found documentation relating to a warehouse storage shed on his person.

Search warrants were later executed at a warehouse located in West End and our client’s residence resulting in 4.1 million dollars of cash, 2.1 kilograms of cocaine, 2.8 kilograms of methylamphetamine, 90 grams of heroin and 240 MDMA tablets being located and seized. Our client was charged with possession of dangerous drugs and trafficking in dangerous drugs as well as other offences under the Drugs Misuse Act 1986 (Qld) and Weapons Act 1990 (Qld).
Nick Crawford of our office represented our client and reviewed the brief of evidence thoroughly, and later completed a detailed written submission in respect of the six (6) month trafficking period alleged by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. The submission was accepted resulting in the trafficking period being reduced from six (6) months to six (6) weeks.

The matter was further complicated by the fact that our client was on parole for trafficking in schedule one (1) dangerous drugs at the time of these offences. Mr Douglas Wilson of Counsel and Mr Glen Rice QC were briefed to appear on behalf of our client at his sentence before the Brisbane Supreme Court. He was sentenced to eleven (11) years imprisonment, to be released after serving eight (8) years.

This was considered an excellent result considering the circumstances of our client’s previous criminal history, the significant head sentences submitted by the Crown Prosecutor and the substantial amount of money and dangerous drugs located during the police investigation.

If you are interested in our criminal lawyers acting on your behalf, please call either Nicholas Crawford on 3009 8467/0410 413 107 or Alan Phillips on 3009 8469/0403 846 238


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